While on the Hip Hop note, last week I went to an old-school Joe Budden concert in Brooklyn. While he definitely mailed in his performance a bit (had a fan rap a whole song for him), I can't deny that I had a good time. He might not be the best lyricist, or have good radio "musicality", but he's someone hip hop fans can and should appreciate. Can't wait for Rock the Bells in September or the release of Watch The Throne - The initial reviews on the Jay-Z, Ye album (released at a party earlier this month) were craazy.
Finally, I'm not sure whether or not True Blood has gone off the deep end a la "jumping the shark," but it's certainly getting close. While the past few weeks episodes have been entertaining - they also been somewhat disturbing (in a good way?). Normally, there are very few things to get excited about on TV in the Summertime - no football/basketball, most shows going off the air, etc. But to a TV junkie like me, it's nice to know there can still be things to look forward to. I'll be watching next week.
TV Quotes of Summer 2k11:
- "I'm doing this, FOR ME." (Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition)
- "These men go through the toughest training the world" (Surviving the Cut - every episode. The show details basic training for some of the US military's most exclusive units. Very inspirational.)
- "I'm definitely falling for Ashley." (Every Bachelor in The Bachelorette)
- "I just can't get over Bentley." (Ashley H, The Bachelorette - it's messed up, I know.)

Peace & Love,
I just saw this Good Eats episode about losing weight (he lost 50 lbs. in 9 months on diet alone?)*, but the food looks like it tastes delicious. And the idea about eating breakfast and grazing for the rest of the day are pretty much key:
And I'm definitely falling for Ashley.
*Pretty sure it wasn't diet alone, but I don't think he outright said he exercised.