Waitress: Hi, table for one?
Me: No thank you, madame, I will just be ordering take-out!
Waitress: Let me get you a menu
Me: Just give me 4 orders of pork soup dumplings..

This one's for you - Pregnant Yoshi, Burger King, New Moon, Tommy Boy, ZZ Top, Tension and Rihanna.
In Muay Thai news, I'm beginning to realize that playing music really DOES help the workout. I was never a big ipod user at the gym, usually I am trying to workout as quickly as possible. However, during my warm-up the other day they were playing Lupe Fiasco and I found myself kicking higher, punching harder and sweating up a storm.
In that honor, I'm also going to start putting some of my favorite tracks up as part of my posts. It's very rare that something goes on "repeat status" for me, as I listen to so many different things at once. But this right here is my official jam of the moment:
Big K.R.I.T - Rotation
Old school when I ride, forever sky high
Workin wood wheel, when the sun outside
I’m just rotating my tires, rotating my tires, rotating my tires, rotating my tires
Not a care in the world, me and my girl
Candy coated pearl with the bowling ball swirl
I’m just rotating my tires, rotating my tires, rotating my tires, rotating my tires
Peace & Love,
Once I thought about things like: why such information is for free here? Because when you write a book then at least on selling a book you get a percentage. Thank you and good luck on informing people more about it!